I'm available to provide erotic and explicit artwork for my furry clientele. Sorry humies, but them’s the breaks! Adult artwork quotes are handled using the same quote request form as squeaky-clean illustrations, so head over if you’re looking for something steamy!
Adult material comes in a wide variety of niche interests, many of which you as a potential client may feel nervous inquiring about. Please rest assured that every adult quote request is reviewed discreetly with an open mind and treated with dignity. There is some material I’m not comfortable drawing—something true of every artist—but if that is the case, you’ll be notified politely and without judgment. Please don’t be afraid to pitch your ideas, whatever they may be—you may be pleasantly surprised!
It's illegal for me to provide adult services to minors, so proof of identification is required for these services. On your first adult commission, you will be asked to perform a minimally invasive process for proof of identification: A picture of your government-issued photo ID that clearly shows your face, name, and date of birth (the rest may be obscured, an easy way to do so is with a dry-erase marker), and a picture of yourself holding your ID and a written message provided to your email to confirm it is your ID. Once I have this info, it will be attached to your user information in my records and you will not need to provide it again. As always, this material is kept strictly confidential. I know this process may seem a little low-tech and even intrusive, but every other solution I’ve looked into ends up with me having all of your ID information which I don’t want. My objective here is exclusively to verify your age, and this is the least intrusive method I’ve been able to put together, so I hope you understand and will work with me on this basic safety measure.