
Many artists have a complete list of every art service they provide, and a given price for each. I dislike this approach because it limits the imagination of the client by subtly shoehorning them into a short list of ideas, and limits the flexibility of potential approaches to a specific idea. Instead, I address the needs of each commission specifically, determine your budget, and work with you to determine the best options for you within that budget. As we work out your project’s needs, I want you to be thinking less about math and more about your goals for the artwork.

That said, in order to help you get an idea of whether my work is in your price range, I’ve laid out some ballpark estimates for a few example pieces below. There are a few different commission types, and each will indicate what I charged and why. These estimates are not quotes, and your pricing will likely vary, but they should give you a starting reference point. Once you've had a look around and determined that I suit the needs of your project, head over to either my illustration quote request or graphic design quote request forms to request a quote using my handy dandy questionnaire!

I look forward to making your dream a reality—maybe even right before your eyes! Toodaloo~


Character Art

Sometimes all you need is a simple, character-focused piece. Maybe you need an illustration of your D&D character, perhaps a costume design, or a portrait to hang on your wall.

These samples are mostly of “furry” characters, which is to say, anthropomorphized animals. I have a long history of providing illustrative services to the furry community, but my skillset is not limited to furries! I’m happy and ready to tackle a wide variety of subjects.

Have a gander at the images in this gallery and check out their price estimates. If you have any pricing questions, feel free to request a quote, or use my contact email to get in touch.

Inks Example
Basic Watercolors Example
Single-Source Lighting Example
Dual-Source Lighting Example
Multipass Lighting Example

Environment Art

Context is everything, establishing a world that your characters exist in; after all, what's an epic superhero battle without some product placements to demolish?

Graphic Design

Graphic design is much trickier to price, because any graphic design project requires a great deal of back-and-forth with the client, sketching concepts, communicating ideas, and making sure that the completed work fulfills the needs of the client to a T. These designs can't just looks good; they have to accomplish objectives, like selling a product or representing a brand to the world at large.

In addition, licensing and royalties can play a role in how much a design will cost for the client; obviously, if one of my designs is going to make a customer a couple million dollars, I think it's fair to get an amount for that design that properly reflects its worth to the client.

As such there's no real way for me to give examples and say "This design would cost this much", because the amount of time needed for the creative process can vary immensely from one design to the other, and because various factors like licensing fees need to be taken into consideration. The best way to determine if my services are in your budget is to contact me directly and have a chat with me about it.