Applying for Commissions

Application Process

Whenever I open a slot for commissions, I’m contacted by several interested parties. Unfortunately, due to several factors, not least of which is the bipolar disorder I have to work around, I’m only able to accept one at a time. Given the available options, I’ve decided that the best way to handle this is with an application process.

If you’re interested in a commission and I’ve opened for a slot, you’ll submit a quote request using the quote request form as you would for any interest in my services. As long as your quote request is received within the time frame given in the announcement, your application will be added to a list of potential commissions, from which I choose one according to a number of factors which you can learn about below. These factors are designed to be as fair as possible and ensure that every selected application will receive the best work I have to offer. If your application is selected, you’ll be contacted via your provided email to work out any details and payment. If your application is not selected, an email explaining the reasoning will be sent to you.

If you’re interested in learning what factors I use in deciding commissions, I’ve listed them below.

Selection Factors

In the interest of transparency, and to give potential clients and understanding of how I choose which of these jobs to take and whether or not an application is likely to be chosen from future applications, I’ve laid out the factors that weigh into that decision. If you are uncertain whether your commission will meet these criteria, please apply; this is the best way for me to give your work proper consideration. If it isn’t chosen, the reason will be explained to you.

These factors are given a “weight” that indicates the importance of the factor in the decision. Factors with minor weight, for example, are less important to the decision; if a good number of other conditions are met, a negative minor factor will not disqualify the application. However, most other factors will have to be met to outweigh a heavy factor that is not met.

In choosing a commission from a list of applications, I use the following factors:

TOS Compliance

This factor is the strongest factor; it concerns whether the job in question is in keeping with my terms of service, and if this factor is not met, your commission will not be taken, period. In brief summary, this means that the art will be legally non-problematic, will not directly cause or call for harm, and—if the artwork will be of any adult nature—you must complete or have completed my age verification process. Please consult my terms of service for full documentation in this regard.

Ability To Execute The Job

This factor weighs heavily; it concerns whether my skillset is sufficient to complete the job to my standards. I will only accept jobs that I believe I have the ability to complete to a high level of quality. I will probably not accept commissions that will require me to “learn on the job”, as this will dramatically lengthen the time required to deliver the work, reduce the number of jobs I can take, and likely result in unsatisfactory results.

Comfort With Material

This factor weighs heavily; it concerns whether I am comfortable with the subject matter of the work in question. There are certain subjects that, for a variety of personal reasons, I am uncomfortable creating. For some of these subjects, context is important—for example, while I am not comfortable with artwork that glorifies or fetishizes abuse, I may be willing to take a job that incorporates abuse as part of a compelling narrative. I will never judge a client based on the subject matter of their application, nor will I reveal it publicly; clients should feel free to submit an application regardless of the subject matter.

Interest In Material

This factor has significant weight; it concerns my level of interest in the material being illustrated. Material that I have a strong interest in or find intriguing are more are more likely to be accepted.

Potential for Legal Action

This factor has significant weight; it concerns whether the material involves copyrighted content that is not the intellectual property of the client, and the likelihood of the material to draw legal action by the owner of the property. Whether it factors into the decision, however, will depend on the owner of the content, whether that owner is a major corporation or an individual (under my ethical standards, fan art is generally acceptable, but I will be uncomfortable using material owned by individuals without their express permission), and their history of litigation for such material.

Time Frame for Delivery

This factor has significant weight; my condition renders it difficult for me to do “rush jobs” that are needed in short order. Periods of depression, for example, make it difficult to work at all and may last anywhere from a few days to a week at a time. Jobs that have a flexible delivery time will be more likely to be accepted.

Marketability of the Work

This factor has minor weight; unless specified by a privacy agreement and fee, all completed works will be used in galleries and on social media to promote my services. Jobs that will produce work that I’m proud to display and will demonstrate my skillset for future clients are more likely to be accepted.

Ability to Stream the Work

This factor has minor weight; it regards the ability for the work to be streamed on my Twitch channel or displayed on YouTube according to their terms of service. This is, however, a minor factor because adult work in particular is not able to be streamed on major platforms, but is generally acceptable regardless.

Prior History with Client

This factor has minor weight; it concerns whether or not I have worked with the client before and whether that experience was positive or negative. Positive experience with a client will make me want to work with them again, and negative experience will cause me concern that future interaction with the client will be unpleasant or even result in a breach of the terms of service.


This factor has very minor weight; it concerns the monetary value of the commission. Given equal weight of all other factors, I will favor applications that will provide more income.